Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Jobs Types" - Hai adik adik yang baik pada kesempatan kali ini masih bersama kakak bospedia, kali ini tentunya kakak tidak pernah bosannya untuk membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai Materi Belajar untuk jenjang pendidikan SD, Khususnya untuk kelas IV SD/MI tentang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam pembahasan JOBS TYPES yang dilengkapi dengan Reading, Write dan Vocabulary serta pertanyaan2. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 4 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Jobs Types" |
On vacation, Lani visit grandfather in the mountains. The air is very cool. Every day Lani and grandfather take a walk in the tea garden. Grandfather said tea is a plant that grows well in the cool area such as a mountains. The climate on the mountains is suitable for the tea plants. The several Work of the tea are processing tea leaves, tea platers, tea pickers, tea leaf grinders, and tea packers. A Plants provide the benefit for humans, for that we must keep the environment.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. Where the tea plants is grow?
Answer : Plantation
2. How the tea plants benefit erosian defense?
Answer : With resist the swift flow of water so that the soil is not erodedby water
3. Mention the area on Sumatra Island which is planted with tea plants!
Answer : Simalungan (North Sumatra), and Kerinci (Jambi)
4. Mention the area of Java Island planted with tea plants!
Answer : Ciwidey, Bogor (West Java), Brebes, and Wonosobo (Central Java)
5. Mention the benefit of the tea plants!
Answer : For drink, prevent erosion, and protect theenvironment
- Ketika: While
- Liburan: Vacation
- Mengunjungi: Visit
- Kakek: Grandfather
- Pegunungan: Mountains
- Dingin: Cool
- Setiap hari: Everyday
- Berjalan: Walk
- Kebun: Garden
- Teh: Tea
- Berbicara: Said
- Tumbuh: Grows
- Menikmati: Enjoy
- Iklim: Climate
- Cocok: Suitable
- Proses: Processing
- Penanam: Platers
- Pemetik: Platers
- Penggiling: Leaf grinders
- Pengemas: Packers
- Menyediakan: Provide
- Manfaat: Benefit
- Manusia: Humans
- Menjaga: Keep
- Lingkungan: Environment
- Tempat: Place
- Hidup: life
- Tumbuhan: Plants
- Dikonsumsi:Consumed
- Ketinggian: Height
- Antara: Between
- Suhu: Temperature
- Kekeringan: Drought
- Tahan: Resistant
- Perkebunan: Plantation
- Pulau: Island
- Vocabulary
- Barat: West
- Tengah: Central
- Utara: North
- Berfungsi: Function
- Mencegah: Prevent
- Erosi: Erosion
- Menahan: Resist
- Deras: Swift
- Aliran: Flow
- Melindungi: Protect
Write the type of work along in your school with activities according to the work!
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