Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Environment And Benefits" - Halo adik adik yang baik, kali ini kakak akan membagikan kepada adik adik kelas V SD/MI, berupa materi yang telah kakak rangkum dalam pembahasan "Environment And Benefits" yang diambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Environment And Benefits" |
Pottery from Madura
Pottery is an items made from traditionally made soil . The function of pottery as home appliances. The pottery in Madura is still a traditional manufacturing process.
The area in the pottery producing is Mandala, Andulyang, Duko Ru Baru, Yangkatan kyangkatan, Baragung, Pademawa, Dalpenyang Pakaporan, and Belga Bangkalan. The tools used are hoes, crowbars, buckets. The benefit of pottery are cheap prices, anti rust, easy to clean, and reduce pollution.
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. Where is the famous manufacture of pottery?
Answer: Madura
2. How is the process of making pottery in Madura?
Answer: The manufacturing process is still traditional
3. Mention the function of pottery!
Answer: As home appliances
4. Mention 3 the area of making pottery in Madura!
Answer: Mandala, Andulyang, Duko Ru Baru
5. Mention the benefit of using pottery!
Answer: Cheap prices, anti rust, easy to clean, and reduce pollution
- Lingkungan: Environment
- Manfaat: Benefit
- Gerabah: Pottery
- Tanah: Soil
- Peralatan rumah tangga: Home appliances
- Pembuatan: Manufacturing
- Cangkul: Hoes
- Linggis: Crowbar
- Ember: Bucket
- Murah: Cheap
- Harga: Prices
- Anti: Anti
- Karat: Rust
- Mudah: Easy
- Mengurangi: Reduce
- Pengaruh: Effect
- Geografis: Geographical
- Kondisi: Conditions
- Berupa: Form
- Pulau: Island
- Setiap: Each
- Daerah: Region
- Berbeda: Different
- Budaya: Culture
- Suku: Tribes
- Bahasa: Language
- Adat istiadat: Custom
- Tradisi: Tradition
- Agama: Religion
- Keragaman: Diversity
- Seni: Art
- Sastra: Literary
- Dongeng: Faire tale
- Tari: Dance
- Seni rupa: Fine art
On Sunday, Lani was invited his father go to Madura to buy pottery. On Sunday, Lani goes to Madura to buy pottery with his father. Lani and his father arrived at the pottery production site.
Father: “Wow, the quality of this pottery is very good”
Lani: “Right dad, I’m confused because it’s all good”
Father: “It must, because it must be done wholeheartedly”
Lani: “Right,I want to try making a pottery”
Father: “Can you make a pottery?”
Lani: “Everything needs to be tried”
Craftsmen: “If you want to try, I will help you”
Lani: “Thankyou”
The Effect of Indonesian Geographical Conditions
Geographical conditions in Indonesia in the form of islands from Sabang to Merauke. Each region has a different culture. For example tribes, language, customs, traditions, and religions. Indonesian cultural diversity characteristics:
1. Tribe
Example of Batak tribe, Badui tribe, Betawi tribe, Sundanese tribe, Javanese tribe, Madura tribe, Balinese tribe, Bima tribe, Dayak tribe, Minahasa tribe, Asmat tribe.
2. Religion
Indonesia has 6 religion, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddism, and Confucianism.
3. Language
National language is Indonesian. Each region has its own regional language. Example of Malay, Mandaling, Gayo, Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese, Sasak, Budis, and Asmat.
4. Art and Culture
Art form is literary art (Faire tale Timun Mas,Si Kancil dan Buaya), Dance (Saman, Serimpi, Reog, Pendet dance), Music art (Sasando Gong music, Gambang Kromong), Drama or perfomance (Lenong, Reog, Ketoprak), Fine art (Batik, Weaving, Painting)
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. Mention the diversity in Indonesia!
Answer: Culture, tribes, language, customs, traditions, and religions
2. Mention 4 characteristics of diversity in Indonesia!
Answer: Tribe, Language, Religion, Art and culture
3. Mention 4 tribes on the island of Java!
Geographical conditions in Indonesia in the form of islands from Sabang to Merauke. Each region has a different culture. For example tribes, language, customs, traditions, and religions. Indonesian cultural diversity characteristics:
1. Tribe
Example of Batak tribe, Badui tribe, Betawi tribe, Sundanese tribe, Javanese tribe, Madura tribe, Balinese tribe, Bima tribe, Dayak tribe, Minahasa tribe, Asmat tribe.
2. Religion
Indonesia has 6 religion, Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddism, and Confucianism.
3. Language
National language is Indonesian. Each region has its own regional language. Example of Malay, Mandaling, Gayo, Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese, Sasak, Budis, and Asmat.
4. Art and Culture
Art form is literary art (Faire tale Timun Mas,Si Kancil dan Buaya), Dance (Saman, Serimpi, Reog, Pendet dance), Music art (Sasando Gong music, Gambang Kromong), Drama or perfomance (Lenong, Reog, Ketoprak), Fine art (Batik, Weaving, Painting)
Answer the following questions according to the text!
1. Mention the diversity in Indonesia!
Answer: Culture, tribes, language, customs, traditions, and religions
2. Mention 4 characteristics of diversity in Indonesia!
Answer: Tribe, Language, Religion, Art and culture
3. Mention 4 tribes on the island of Java!
Answer: Badui tribe, Betawi tribe, Sundanese tribe, Javanese tribe, Madura tribe
4. Mention 3 language in the island of Sumatra!
Answer: Malay, Mandaling, Gayo language
5. Mention the example of perform art in Indonesia !
Answer: Lenong, reog, ketoprak
My Ancestors
My ancestors were sailorsEnjoyed sailing the vast oceansFearless facing the wavesFamiliar with the storms.Wind blows, sail opensWave roars at the beachBrave youths, stand upLet us go to the sea.
Nada Lagu Nenek Moyangku
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